You are invited to participate in one of the Sunday Drive-In Masses this weekend. Participants will park in the church and school parking lots and remain in their vehicles for the duration of the Mass. No Sign-up is required.
Here are the protocols that we must follow to make these Masses a success:
1. Plan to arrive early. You must enter the parking lot at the school entrance (farthest entrance to the west, all others will be blocked). You will be directed by an attendant where to go, and other attendants will direct you to a specific parking space. There must be a 6-foot distance maintained between each vehicle. Vehicles will be parked at an angle to allow everyone to view the altar where possible. The parking lot will be closed five minutes before Mass begins to allow the remaining vehicles in the parking lot to be parked before the Masses beginning. Do Not plan to arrive at the last minute!
2. Once you are parked: You must remain in your vehicle. Vehicle motors are to be turned off, and all windows in the vehicle are to remain closed. Participants are to remain in their vehicles for the duration of the Mass. The Mass will be transmitted on FM radio station 107.1, and you should be able to receive it on your vehicle radio or another device you may have.
3. The Altar: The altar will be situated inside the entrance of the Parish Hall. The double doors will be open. The Ambo where the readings will be proclaimed, and the homily given, will be from the window in the hall to the right of the entrance.
4. The Mass: The mass will proceed in the normal format. Attached is a document with the prayer responses for the Mass if you require them. A second document will have the lyrics for the songs that will be sung during the Mass. The lector, musician, and audio ministers will remain in the Hall. Other attendants and ministers functioning in the parking lot will be wearing safety vests and face shields.
5. Communion: At the appropriate time, Communion will be distributed, by Fr. Shim and 2 other Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, to the participants at their vehicles. When the minister approaches your vehicle, participants shall lower their windows and extend their hand to receive the Host. Ministers and participants are to remain silent. Upon receiving the host, vehicle windows are to be closed.
6. Offerings: All vehicles will leave from the parking lot through the portico as directed by the Attendants. You may deposit your offerings with the attendant located in the portico on your way through.
7. Safety: Do not move your vehicle until you are directed by an Attendant. If you urgently require access to a washroom, you can leave your vehicle and proceed directly through the portico to the other side of the church and enter the tower entrance where the washroom is located. Strict adherence to these guidelines and protocols will allow us to continue with these Drive-In Masses as long as they are required. Thank you for your cooperation.