The BBQ Dinner will take place on Sunday, September 12th, following the Outdoor Memorial Mass. This will be a great time to have a parish social gathering and we will also enjoy some entertainment. Please order tickets by September 5th!
This Mass will be an opportunity to remember our deceased family members, and especially those who we have lost over the past two years. At this time, we will also celebrate the Feast Day of our Parish "The Exaltation of the Holy Cross" that falls on September 14th. All are welcome.
We will continue to hold Drive-In Masses, but they will now be held on SATURDAY evenings at 6:3Opm. Participants will park in the church and school parking lots and remain in their vehicles for the duration of the Mass. CLICK for further details.
Under Step 1, churches can reopen to 15% capacity starting on Friday, June 11th. Our parish will transition to these changes starting this weekend, and incorporating plans for the change of summer Sunday Mass times. We will also ensure the continuation of a Drive-In Mass for those who are not yet ready to attend indoor Masses. CLICK link for further information.
The Holy Cross Council of the Knights of Columbus is happy to announce a high school graduate bursary in memory of a beloved brother, Pat Maloney (1930-2019).